Heelpop in Zara High Heels
One of my first photos, but still current.
One of my first photos, but still current.
Here I am wearing my Fabianina pumps with stockings
I love my Zocal flats. The leather is so soft.
Here I am wearing my very expensive Tod's mules and as you can see my soles are clearly visible to everyone
My all time favorite flats. As you can see I put a half insole inside to try to keep my feet in the shoes. But it's impossible!
My favorites again! As you can see my sweaty soles are shamelessly and totally exposed.
When I kneel in these shoes it's 100% impossible not to heelpop my soles :-).
staying in the same heelpop position for hours and hours is tiring... So I have to stretch my poor fingers a bit...
Here I am forced to kneel and many people behind me see a double heelpopping and they are hit by the smell of my feet that pervades the room.
Even when I wear these gorgeous wedges I can't resist and my feet come out inexorably in all their splendor..
As you can see my wrinkled smelly soles are sore and reddened. They need some pampering!
My men love these heels! It's already impossible to keep them on in bare feet... Imagine wearing nylon stockings!